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From Online Dating to First Date In Real Life
09 March 2018, 08:00

Your online dating profile is up-to-date and intriguing. You have an amazing profile picture. You’ve been in contact with people and have chosen an online date to finally meet in real life. Here are some tips to make the best of your first in-person date.

Meet Sooner Rather Than Later

Do not wait too long to make that in-person connection. After a few digital communications, if you feel comfortable and safe, it is better to meet in person soon. As time passes, fantasies can start setting in. Meeting in person will bring you back to reality, helping to properly set expectations. This is easier done when both parties are local. If you are long distance, set up a video chat date. You will be able to see if there is a connection that could lead to an in-person meeting at a later time.

Safety Comes First

A lot of the tips concerning safety for online dating is geared towards women, but men should take precautions as well. In general, when meeting someone for the first time:

Meet in a public place
Never meet at your dates home or in a private or remote location.

Tell friends or family
Let them know where you will be and who you will be with.

Bring a cell phone
Have a fully-charged cell phone with you.

Find your own way to the date
You need to have the ability to get out of there if things do not work out, so drive yourself to the date.

Red flags
If your date seems too eager and starts asking questions that are far too personal, such as details about your finances, cut it off or at the very least proceed with caution.

End the Date Well

It goes without saying that the end of a first date can be kind of awkward. Did you both have a good time? Do you want to see each other again? Whatever your feelings, be sure you are honest with yourself and do not get wrapped up in your own fantasies. If your gut is telling you this is not the right person, do not string them along by telling them you will call them. There are many ways to move on in a nice way. Be kind! Simply thank them for meeting you and let them know you did not feel a connection. On the other hand, if you want to see them again suggest a second date. Then follow up the next day with some ideas. Whichever way it goes, be straight-forward and honest.

Most importantly have fun. It is exciting to meet someone new! Things can change when you meet in real life, but that change can be for the better.

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